
Showing posts from November, 2024

Setting Up PostgreSQL Logical Replication with Docker Compose

Hi everyone πŸ˜€, SorryπŸ˜… for not posting any blogs; I was stuck in other work. In the previous post, we saw that we enabled MySQL Replication using GTID . Today, we see how to allow Postgres Logical Replication in our local setup using docker-compose.  Environment Setup We have two PostgreSQL instances configured using Docker Compose: Publisher (postgres-1): The source server where changes are captured. Subscriber (postgres-2): The destination server that receives replicated data. Docker Compose Configuration Publisher (docker-compose.yml) version: '3.8' services: postgres-1: build: ./ container_name: postgres-1 environment: POSTGRES_USER: postgresadmin POSTGRES_PASSWORD: admin123 POSTGRES_DB: postgresdb PGDATA: "/data" volumes: - ./postgres-1/pgdata:/data - ./postgres-1/config:/config - ./postgres-1/archive:/mnt/server/archive ports: - "5000:5432" networks: - custom_network ...

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