
Showing posts from February, 2021

Install XWIKI

Hey everyone๐Ÿ˜€, today I want to share another interesting tool called XWiki. An amazing tool for enterprise level. For those who don't know about this tool, I recommended clicking this Wikipedia URL . So Let's see how to configure XWiki. Step 1 Install JDK Check JAVA:-   java -version Update the repositories:- sudo apt-get update Install OpenJDK:- sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk Verify the version of the JDK:- java -version Step 2 Set up the XWiki LTS APT repo Log in as a sudo user, and then download and set up the XWiki LTS (Long Term Support) APT repo on your server instance  (source:- internet) : cd wget -q "" -O- | sudo apt-key add - sudo wget "" -P /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ sudo apt update Note : If you want to try out the latest stable XWiki release (but NOT LTS), you can download the below XWiki APT repo instead (source:- internet): cd wget -q "

Balanced Paranthesis

For a given a string expression containing only round brackets or parentheses, check if they are balanced or not. Brackets are said to be balanced if the bracket which opens last, closes first. Example: Expression: (()()) Since all the opening brackets have their corresponding closing brackets, we say it is balanced and hence the output will be, 'true'. You need to return a boolean value indicating whether the expression is balanced or not. Note: The input expression will not contain spaces in between. Input Format: The first and the only line of input contains a string expression without any spaces in between.  Output Format: The only line of output prints 'true' or 'false'. Note: You don't have to print anything explicitly. It has been taken care of. Just implement the function. Constraints: 1 <= N <= 10^7 Where N is the length of the expression. Time Limit: 1sec Sample Input 1 : (()()()) Sample Output 1 : true Sample Input 2 : ()()(() Sample Outp...

How to trigger "Scan Multibranch Pipeline Now"

 Hey everyone ๐Ÿ˜€, Sometimes developers face a common issue related to trigger a job using the Jenkins pipeline. As we all know to trigger Freestyle Job using pipeline  we write code something similar which is mention below build JOB_NAME; but what if we want to trigger a multi-branch job or trigger   Scan Multibranch Pipeline Now. If we try to trigger a multibranch job by using the above code  it gives an error, something similar like  ERROR: Waiting for non-job items is not supported As we see it doesn't work, the reason is that it is a non-wait type job item, so the only thing we need to do is to add a wait=false statement in the code. I know it's not so big thing but sometimes people missed this little thing. Hope you enjoyed my blog post.๐Ÿ˜Ž 

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