Digital Marketing

Today I talk about another non-technical field which is the digital marketing field and also an interesting point that I would like to share is that I am currently doing an internship in it.
Sounds crazy right, a person whose background is technical why he is doing a non-tech job/intern and your question is right but some times before choosing a particular field you have to explore and this what I am doing. I really enjoying internship in this field same as my past technical field  internship but now enough talk let’s jump straight into on topic which is Digital Marketing 
So What is Digital Marketing?


According to Mr. Neil Patel (co-founder of NP Digital), it’s is advertising delivered through digital channels. Channels such as social media, mobile applications, email, web applications, search engines, websites, or any new digital channel.
In other words (my words), advertising through digital channels such as promote yourself (product/company/brand anything) in social media is called digital marketing.
So now we know about digital marketing but here is another question that arises why it is important? Which is a good question for beginners?


So A digital marketing strategy is a powerful tool for any startup because it does not kill the budget. There are six reasons to prioritize optimization for every business owner. 
  1. Digital marketing delivers customer behavior data into startups:-  Let’s take an example, an entrepreneur who recently started his company but he does not have much data about his audience. Digital marketing helps in collecting that data over time. They can take advantage of it for a long time after starting their business.
  2. Digital Marketing results in high traffic and conversions:- Digital marketing helps startups to get traffic that can get conversion and revenue.    Instead of spending money on social media advertising and other marketing strategies, recommend making digital marketing and currently living with Google's best practices. Maybe you're setting up a product or you're a publisher and you're trying to get the impression. If you can rank specific keywords that do not have high searches and they are not very competitive as some long-tail keywords, then you can start running organic traffic. It has been proved that organic traffic - traffic that comes from a search like Google - 400 percent better than any other type of traffic other than email marketing.
  3. Its Free:- Biggest advantage of digital marketing is that it is free or cheap in comparison to traditional marketing. You only create an account on a social media platform and through social media platforms, you can advertise your products, services, build a targeted audience or anything you want.
  4. Branding:- In today’s landscape, brands are built in the digital world. Digital advertising offers an opportunity to extoll the benefits of your service to the people most interested in them.
  5. Visibility:- An organization with a strong digital presence can expand its audience in ways businesses could only have dreamed of 25 years ago.
  6. Access:- The more entrances you have to your organization, the more people are likely to come inside. That, in essence, is what digital marketing is: A series of doors leading people to learn more about your organization. An individual may have heard of your brand before, but maybe it’s a shared social post or an email newsletter that leads them to explore your website and dig a little deeper. If that door wasn’t there, they couldn’t have opened it.
  7. Community:- Most companies have a network in place that is essential to business building fellow professionals, former clients, partners, vendors, consultants, etc. Digital marketing gives you the ability to build up similar networks online. For example, you may have your Linkedin circle where you share information about your service/product or anything and build connections with people in your industry. This may lead to referrals or unexpected partnerships that wouldn’t have happened. Such a trick is the power of digital community building.
  8. Data:- Another big advantage of any company is that these are so many analytics tools available to show you things like who’s viewing what, how many people were interested in a specific piece content, or what email got the best response. And you can view this data instantly.
So here some of the advantages of digital marketing and because of these advantages, digital marketing becomes essential for any company. 
Now we understand it. Importance but posting newsfeed in social media is digital marketing?
The answer is definitely not, digital marketing is vast and there are many sub-fields which are as follows:-


  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO):- A process of growing your online visibility in non-paid (organic) search engine results. Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) appear to users after they search for a given set of keywords using a search engine like Google or Bing. Each user receives an individualized results page based on keywords, the user’s location at the time of searching, and their browsing history.   Simply The higher you rank on a SERP, the more traffic is directed to your site and the more chances of making a passive visitor an active customer. Search engine optimization includes many factors from keywords within your content to links to your website around the web. It includes both On-page and Off-page SEO. On-page SEO refers to the steps you take on your own website to boost your SEO. Off-page refers to the relationships you make and the actions you take outside of your website to fuel SEO.
  2. Search Engine Marketing and Pay-Per-Click Advertising:-  Another method of digital marketing in which corporates has to pay to advertise about their product or services. There are such services that provide pay per click advertising like Google Adsense or bing ads etc.
  3. Social Media Marketing:- Now everyone is on social media, By now you know that social media is a crucial part of your marketing strategy. But do you know the ins and outs of social media marketing? Social media marketing gives you increased exposure. It allows you to connect with your consumers more intimately. From this interaction, you can gain valuable customer feedback that allows you to improve your customer service, product, or service. "Using social media marketing you’ll gain more reach when you post quality content. "  Whether you’re on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn these efforts all amount to social media marketing. Most everyone benefits from social media marketing, but B2C companies stand to gain the most. Pay attention to what your target audience talks about on social media. 
  4. Content Marketing:- Writing a blog/article about anything regarding your company is part of content writing but content marketing refers to the practice of delivering a quality piece of content to your users to generate sales and leads. This content can live anywhere online. Tweets, a YouTube video, and blogs on your website all comprise content marketing. Content Marketing works because it melds together exceptional content with other types of digital marketing like SEO and Social Media Marketing.
  5. Affiliate Marketing:- Affiliate marketing a process in which an online retailer pays commission to an external website for traffic or sales generated from its referrals.
  6. Influencer Marketing:-  Influencer marketing is among the newer types of digital marketing and strongly popular in social media. In influencer marketing, Companies hire a person who has a large following to promote their brand by posting one or more photos with the product. Companies now engage in Instagram or Facebook or twitter etc where the hired influence controls the company’s social media platform for a given amount of time, most often a day. These social media takeovers drive the influencer’s following to your social media channels increasing your new followers and unique views.
  7. Email Marketing:- In email marketing, it is not just about sending an email to the customer to getting acknowledge about the new product-service provided by the company. It's about to build a relationship. Your email updates provide value to your consumers. As a result, you build brand trust and brand loyalty. The best email marketing campaigns involve a list of subscribers earned by your content and company, not paid for by your company. People who opt-in to your email subscription prove more likely to become active buyers.
  8. Viral Marketing:-  Viral marketing causes an enormous spike in website traffic over a short period. This is hard to do but the benefits alone make the effort worth your time. Mostly B2C companies stand to gain the most from viral marketing. B2C companies can use social media to reach an enormous audience across all of their active platforms.
  9. Mobile Phone Advertising:-  These include SMS advertising which could prove an asset to local marketing efforts. You can prompt your consumers to use SMS to receive special offers, coupons, and updates from your company.


As technology changes digital marketing techniques changes Besides the growth of modern technology, the technique of businesses has also changed. In this regard, digital marketing comes to take the leading position. For example, the modern generation does not want to go to any shop or shopping mall to buy anything. They want to buy everything online. So, various companies always try to stay connected with their consumers or customers via the internet. To get the best of it, consumers and marketers must know the advantage and disadvantages of digital marketing.


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